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Hi, my name is Aline

Hallo, bonjour, Hola, hello, Γγεία σου


My name is Aline, a full time daydreaming storyteller 
that loves thinking about what if's instead of what is.


It doesn't matter whether it's through writing, design,
scripts or music. What's it worth to me for telling a story
is a responsive interaction. Beautiful images don't mean anything without a powerful story. The latter makes it recognizable for the viewer, thus creates a connection
between viewer and image and that is the true story!

The power to grab attention and bewilder them.
Giving a piece of intel that makes you (re)consider,
reflect or appreciate things from a different perspective
and enrich yourself, maybe a bit more than before.

And what if you become an inspiration yourself?

© 2023 by Kelly Van de Vliet

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